Raft Rentals
We have a great selection of high quality rentals to enjoy the river. Hyside rafts and inflatable kayaks as well as Stand up Paddleboards.
We have 9ft, 10.5ft, 12ft, 14ft, 15ft and 16ft rafts available to rent. The smaller rafts (up to 14ft can be used as paddle boats as well as full framed rowing rafts with the option to add fishing seats. Please email or call the Outpost or LB Snow, our shop in town, with any questions.
Our raft rentals are designed to be easily used for fly fishing, day floats, overnight camping, and week-long trips. Each raft rental starts out as a fly fishing set-up with a front angler seat, bear proof dry box, bear proof cooler, and a rear seat for a second fisherman or woman. If you want to put more than 3 people on your raft, we will take off the front and rear seat and you are ready to load people/kids and gear. No matter what way you rig it, its all the same price. We like to keep raft rentals simple.
Summer rental period:
Rentals may be picked up from the shop between 5PM-7PM the night before your rental window, and dropped off between 10AM-12PM the day after your rental window.
For example: if rented on a Thursday, you can pick up your rental on Wednesday between 5:00PM-7:00PM, and then it is not due back until 12:00PM on Friday.
Please be sure to call LB Snow or the Outpost if you would like to pick up at the Outpost!
Reservations are also available at Lastbestskiandpaddle.com

We rent the highest quality rafts. Hyside rafts are available with full fishing frames, standard rowing frames or as paddle rafts. We rent all sizes of rafts from 9’ to 16’. The most common sizes are 12’ and 14’. All raft rental include PFDs.
Rigging Styles
Paddle Raft- thwarts and paddles. No frame, cooler or drybox.
Stern Frame- small stern rowing frame, oars and paddles.
Fishing Frame - rowing frame, cooler, dry box and front and back seats.
Overnight or “Family Style” - rowing frame, cooler and drybox. Table upon request and availability. Fishing seats removed.
‘Uncle Richie’ - rowing frame with a back seat only, for uncle Richie. No front seat.
Stand Up Paddleboards
Have fun and paddle down the river on a SUP.
Inflatable Kayaks
aka ‘Duckies’
Single and Double duckies available.